HC: Simple and Elegant.
Water systems for healthcare, lab, MDR, critical infrastructure, and life sciences.
Reverse Osmosis
Horizontal. Available in single, duplex, or dual pass configurations. Full featured, high demand, with optional built-in redundancy and integration. Also available with Nanofiltration option.
Upright. Compact and simplified RO system designed for minimal maintenance and space savings. Wheel in, plug in, and go.
Storage and Delivery
Delivery Anywhere. The capacity to keep you up and running on even the most demanding and distant loads. A variety of tank and pump options, UV disinfection, filtration, and integration with post-treatment polishing, all while maintaining water quality up to specified standards.
Heat Sanitizable. For process where chemical or UV sanitization is not desirable or a high level of automation is required. Also available with tempering options for integration with endoscope washers.
Compact. Designed for small volume applications where simple operation and ease of installation are a priority.